for 2 weeks we made siapo art.this is what mine looks like.this is how we made them! first we drew 6 designs on a piece of paper next we chose one design then we drew in pencil on a brown square of paper then we went over the pencil with vivid and last we scrunched up the paper.
quick wright.
for quick wright we had to wright about this picture this is my favourite sentence
i was a pirate yes the one that lived on a ship dug up treasure and had a parrot on my shoulder!
Hundertwasser Art.
For art we drew pictures in then style of Hunderwasser. First we sketched a row of houses. Next,we added details to the houses, I added windows and fun shapes. After that we used pastel and water colour and coloured pencils. Finally,we let them dry then added more details.
Weekly reflection week 3.
this is the weekly reflection we did it says what we did this week.
waitangi weekend.
when it was the waitangi weekend I went horse riding the horse I rode was called Venus and I got to go in the lake with her it was super fun and at the end I got to groom her shes really nice when I went my favourite part was trotting over poles.i also baked some cookies i did most of it bye my self they are chocolate flavour I also put some chocolate on the top they where really really,mum,brother,sister and Ben went to the forest and walked the dogs it was super fun but we saw some trees that were about to break so that was sad and kind of scary but the dogs had LOTS of fun.when i was at my dads we went swimming it was really fun and i can swim really fast.
week 2 reflection
This week in Tāwhirimātea, we have been getting to know each other by going into buddies for chrome books.
Someone new I have met is Margret when we needed a buddy for work.
The RISE value I have shown this week is integrity because I don’t talk when the teacher is talking
Three of the rules in Tāwhirimātea are: gum. shoes in side going in the classroom at break
I am looking forward to doing more art
Monday mashup diamond drawing
For Monday mashup we did a crystal drawing we had some options on what crystal we wanted to draw but i picked to draw a diamond and this all the steps first you can find the inspo you wanna use then you want some paper and pens or pencils then you wanna sketch your drawing then coulor it then your done!!! its super easy to draw so you should try